SG Furs (Singapore Furs) is a Singapore furry community founded in December 2004 by a small group of people as a meet-up group on the fandom. Members comprise of fursuiters (costumers), artists, photographers and videographers. Today, the local fandom has growth to over 100, with over 30 active members.
About Singapore
Singapore is a city state residing on an island no larger than 277.6 square miles in South Asia, located at the end of the Malayan Peninsula between Malaysia and Indonesia. Singapore has 4 national languages, the main spoken and written language is English. The people of Singapore speak a second language dependent on their ethnic origin (e.g mandarin for Chinese, Tamil for Indians, Bahasa Melayu for Malays, etc.). All signage in Singapore are primarily English with alternative translations in the other 3 national languages.
The weather is largely tropical, it is warm throughout the year with no seasons, with temperatures ranging from 25 to 33 degrees celsius throughout the year with humidity in the 80-90%. This makes Singapore one of the most challenging places in the world to Fursuit.
Furmeets and Furry Events in Singapore
Furmeets are organised on an ad-hoc basis due to the small geographical proximity of the country. They can range from big events such as cosplaying in major Anime conventions held in Singapore, chalets, artist drawing meets, simple dinner/get-together sessions or hosting visiting furs from overseas.
To date, the SGFurs have hosted furs from USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Norway, Germany, Iceland, UAE, South Africa, Japan, Hong Kong and other ASEAN countries. The ASEAN furry community is a very closely-knit group, this includes the Malaysian Furs, Thailand Furs, VietFurs, Indonesia, Laos and Philippine Furs.
Regular items on the Singapore furry fandom calendar usually coincides with Cosplay and Anime conventions in Singapore such as the Singapore Toy Games and Comic Convention (STGCC), as well as Anime Festival Asia (AFA), where fursuiters participate as dressed cosplayers in an annual fursuit walk called the “Animal Fur Festival”, usually held near the convention space.
The Singapore Furs maintains a Facebook group where events are publicized.

Furry conventions in Singapore
- Little Island Furcon (LIFC) is a casual convention for furries and fans of anthropomorphic characters located in sunny little Singapore. It first ran in 2019 on June 8th as Singapore’s first major furry convention at the Oasia hotel with record-breaking convention attendance on its debut.
- Furrylah is an annual furry mini-convention. It usually runs on the 4th quarter of the calendar year, held in the heart of Singapore’s shopping and arts district. It first ran in 2015 on November 28th in Bencoolen as a single day event .
SG Furs committee
SG Furs maintains a voluntarily-run committee of members with responsibilities of organising events and ensuring quality of members as well as moderation of members in the group.
About the Site serves the Furry community in Singapore to showcase of happenings, events, our local talents in an objective and unbiased manner. Coverage also includes events attended by Singapore Furs overseas as well as SGFurs based and living abroad of Singapore.
Press coverage
SGFurs is media team is run by a dedicated time of volunteers comprising of Singapore Furs visiting and documenting various Furry conventions in the Asian region and beyond. Notable coverage includes events in America, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan and the both of indigenous conventions like LIFC and Furrylah. Do reach out to us on our contact page if you have a press inquiry or wish for us to cover your convention.